Watch for the Light: Advent + Christmas Eve 2019

The Advent Season, culminating in the Christmas Eve Service is the largest event each year at St. Andrew’s. The theme “Watch for the Light” intently complemented the Christmas Concert, “All is Bright,” with the sermon series and service music pointing out Jesus’ role as the light of the world. Building on the design of the Christmas Concert, soft-edged light was used to envelop the room in colorful glow, and the choir or worship band members were crisply highlighted to maintain their energy. Custom wood backdrops were covered in incandescent practicals to further brighten the overall composition, and suggest that from Jesus, the true light, many smaller lights (believers) proceed. The advent sermon series puts more emphasis on the live-stream video which remains indefinitely on YouTube, so narrower fields of illumination were used to improve visual contrast for the camera.

Pastor: Chap Clark

Music & Scenic Direction: Brandon Muchow

Choir Direction: Michael Busch

Sound: Joe Cristina Video: Paul Velazquez

St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church